Comparative Mortality (Bar Graph)

Comparative Mortality.png

How to use this graph

This graph represents an interactive and expanded version of the graphs attached to each county in the Total Flu Mortality map. The total mortality rate is represented in red, the white mortality rate is represented in yellow, and the African-American mortality rate is represented in blue.

Interact with the interface to the graph’s right to select between total, white, and African-American mortality rates in the “Measure Names” box, narrow the counties you want to compare in the “Tooltip” box or highlight a specific county in the “Highlight County” box.

What does this graph reveal?

Like the other maps, this bar graph visualizes evidence that supports this project’s argument. What this graph does, that the maps don’t do, is compare race-respective mortality rates through vertical comparison rather than color intensity to show exactly how high African-American mortality rates were compared to white mortality rates, in ways that color intensity does not reflect.

Some noteworthy observations include Flagler County’s mortality equality, with its total, white, and black mortality rates all equaling 2.0 deaths per 1,000 persons. Franklin County’s mortality rates were nearly equal, with only 0.10 points difference between white and black mortality rates. Nassau County’s shared this mortality rate difference, with only 0.20 points between white and black mortality rates. In Okeechobee County there were zero African-American deaths. It is the only county where not one African American died.

Colorized photo of Florida businessman and politician Isaac I. Moody Jr. Moody is considered the “Father of Flagler County,” having founded the county in 1917. He contracted the 1918 flu in Tallahassee and died of pneumonia on December 17, 1918 at 4…

Colorized photo of Florida businessman and politician Isaac I. Moody Jr. Moody is considered the “Father of Flagler County,” having founded the county in 1917. He contracted the 1918 flu in Tallahassee and died of pneumonia on December 17, 1918 at 44 years old. Courtesy: Wikipedia.


Comparative Color Intensity