Comparative Mortality (Heat Map)

Heat Map.png

How to use this map

This heat map indicates mortality intensity using color density and regional clustering to emphasize the proximal relation between counties. Mortality rates can be compared using the interface to the right of the map. Instead of county borders, this heat map uses proximity to illustrate the severity of the flu in some parts of Florida compared to others.

African-American mortality rates are represented in the top map and the white mortality rates are represented in the bottom map. The more intense the red shading for a county, the higher the mortality rate is. Hover your cursor over a county to see the mortality rate for that given county (per 1,000 persons).

What does this map reveal?

Compare the African-American mortality rate intensity (top) with the white mortality rate intensity (bottom) in the right screenshot. For this example, the “White Mortality Range Value” for “0.3” has been altered to “3.6” to reflect the upper-half of the white mortality range. This narrows the visualization down to show only those counties where white mortality rates were highest.

While African Americans obviously suffered disproportionately higher mortality rates in north Florida, some of the highest white mortality rates were clustered there as well. The utility of a heat map is its ability to reveal the proximity and concentration of phenomenon. This map shows that around Pensacola and in those cities in the triangle between Tallahassee, Gainesville, and Jacksonville, clustered together, produced the most intense white mortality rates in the state.

For whites, those cities and counties may not have produced high mortality rates on their own compared to cities like Tampa in Hillsborough County or Jacksonville in Duval County, but when clustered together the map reveals how intense the mortality rates were when viewed proximal to one another. There appears to be a higher concentration of mortality in that triangle than in counties with large population centers. We don’t know why flu mortality was so high in that triangle.

Heat Map 2.png

Comparative Mortality (Choropleth)


Comparative Color Intensity